INSTALL NOTES: 1. Install gp6.dmg 2. For Username and Key ID enter anything, enter as much data as it can fit 3. Choose Offline Activation and copy the code *IMPORTANT BEFORE CONTINUE MAKE SURE THAT THE keygen_osx file is LOCATED IN YOUR DESKTOP!! 4. Open Terminal, enter Code: chmod 755 ~/Desktop/keygen_osx and press return 5. Then enter Code: ~/Desktop/keygen_osx 6. Copy the code that the terminal just generated and paste it into the guitar pro offline activation window. 7. Now guitar pro 6 is installed but it won't play any sound until you upgrade it. So close guitar pro and install the upgrade.dmg file 8. Once installed, close again the Guitar Pro and install de soundbanks file, once finished, relaunch the Guitar Pro 6 and that's it! Have fun! Created by Miguel Rivera Aguirre